What’s new

This page describes what’s new on the Dart website and blog. To see what’s new in Flutter, visit the Flutter what’s new page.

For a list of Dart language changes in each Dart SDK, see the language evolution page. To stay on top of announcements, including breaking changes, join the Dart announcements Google group and follow the Dart blog.

October 1, 2020: 2.10 release

This section lists notable changes made from July 1 through October 1, 2020.

Dart 2.10 went live October 1! For details, see Announcing Dart 2.10.

Docs updated or added to dart.dev

In addition to bug fixes and small improvements, we made the following changes to this site:

Articles added to the Dart blog

We published the following articles on the Dart blog:

We also improved the blog navigation, adding announcement and archive tabs, plus a link to dart.dev.