
The dartdoc command creates API reference documentation from Dart source code. You can add descriptions to the generated documentation by using documentation comments, which can contain markdown formatting. For guidance on writing doc comments, see the documentation part of Effective Dart.

Run dartdoc from the root directory of your package. For example:

$ cd my_app
$ dartdoc
Documenting my_app...
Success! Docs generated into /Users/me/projects/my_app/doc/api

By default, the documentation files are static HTML files, placed in the doc/api directory. To view the rendered documentation, you need an HTTP server.

Although dartdoc is in the Dart SDK, it’s also available in the dartdoc package. You might use the package when you need a programmatic interface or when you want to try features that aren’t yet in the SDK’s version of dartdoc.

For information on command-line options, use the --help flag:

$ dartdoc --help