dart pub uploader

Uploader is one of the commands of the pub tool.

$ dart pub uploader [options] {add/remove} <email>

This command allows uploaders of a package on the pub.dev site to add (invite) or remove other uploaders for that package. It has two sub-commands, add and remove, that take the email address of the person to add/remove as an uploader. For example:

~/code/transmogrify$ dart pub uploader add bob@example.com
We have sent an invitation to bob@example.com, they will be added as uploader after they confirm it.

~/code/transmogrify$ dart pub uploader remove bob@example.com
Successfully removed uploader from package.

If a package has only one uploader, that uploader can’t be removed. You can remove yourself as an uploader (as long as other uploaders are available), but you can’t re-add yourself again afterwards.

By default, the package in the current working directory will have its uploaders modified. You can also pass the --package flag to choose a package by name. For example:

$ dart pub uploader --package=transmogrify add bob@example.com
We have sent an invitation to bob@example.com, they will be added as uploader after they confirm it.

Note that uploaders are identified by their Google accounts, so use a Gmail or Google Apps email address for any new uploaders.


For options that apply to all pub commands, see Global options.